Essential Carpet Maintenance

Here’s a guide from the professional New Jersey carpet care and New Jersey carpet cleaning team here at Carpetline on the best ways that you can keep your carpets looking good and help them last as long as possible.

Avoiding Carpet Dirt and Bacteria 

Avoid dirt and bacteria on your carpets by avoiding wearing shoes into your home. We also recommend wiping the paws of any pets when they enter your home since dogs usually carry bacteria and dirt on their paws. 


The majority – nearly 80 percent – of dirt that comes into your home is dry and can be removed by vacuuming. By vacuuming weekly, you can easily clean your carpet. However , vacuums themselves can get damaged by dirt, and need to be cleaned on a regular basis themselves. We recommend researching the best type of vacuum to clean your carpet, and regularly vacuuming more heavily trafficked areas of your carpet, since they usually give more dirt and dust.

Cleaning Spills and Spots

Make sure to clean any spills or stains on your carpet as soon as you notice it. Dab the spill area with some cool water and a white cloth. Hot water can cause stains to set faster. Dab the stain, and then use a homemade or purchased rug cleaning spray on the area and allow it to sit on the area for about 10-15 minutes. Then dab the area again to complete the carpet stain removal.

Dented Carpet Restoration

If you notice dented spots in your carpet where furniture was sitting, vacuum and spot clean the carpet and then place a damp cloth on flat or dented areas, and iron it on low heat for 30-60 seconds. You can also attempt to place ice on these areas that will penetrate the carpet fibers and revitalize them. You can complet