Preventing Carpet and Rug Mildew and Mold

Mold and mildew can affect carpets and rugs, and potentially cause health issues and unpleasant odors in the home. In this blog entry, the expert New Jersey carpet cleaning and NJ rug cleaning team here at Carpetline will detail the essential importance of preventing carpet and rug mildew and mold.

Why is it important to dry wet carpets?

Wet carpets are associated with mold and mildew growth, which can both cause serious damage to your carpets well-being, as well as your respiratory health. When carpets are not dried in a timely fashion, excess water can seep deeply into the carpet fiber and carpet padding, creating a fantastic environment for mold and mildew to grow and thrive. mold and mildew is associated with a wide range of respiratory issues including allergies, asthma, cold, and other health risks. mold and mildew can also cause nasty smells to spread throughout your home, and even permanently stain carpets. It’s essential to dry carpets when they get wet as soon as possible in order to avoid mold and mildew growth.

What are the health risks of mold and mildew?

 mold and mildew cause serious health issues. mold and mildew releases spores that are then inhaled, causing allergies, asthma, and other forms of respiratory Health issues. Long term exposure to mildew and mold can even cause more serious health problems including lung infections. mold and mildew can additionally cause rashes, headaches, migraines, and gradually weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses. It is absolutely essential to remove the entirety of mold or mildew infestation as soon as you notice it on your property. Our team of professional carpet and rug cleaners can rapidly remove all mildew, as well as other forms of pathogens, from your dirty or wet or stained carpets and rugs.  It’s important to remember that both mold and mildew can grow in between 24 and 48 Hours when a carpet gets wet, so it’s very important to dry stains and Spills as soon as possible.

How can I properly dry wet carpets?

  1. First, remove as much excess moisture as possible using a wet vacuum, a dry vacuum, a traditional vacuum, or even towels. It’s essential to get as much water out of the carpet, rug, as well as padding, as soon as possible.
  1. Then, create as much air movement in the room to help the carpet or rug dry much faster. open windows and doors, run fans, or turn on the air conditioning. If you have a ceiling fan above the carpet or rug, or a box fan that you can position nearby, we recommend positioning them to circulate air over the carpet.
  1. If you have a dehumidifier, they can be extremely useful in speeding up the carpet and rug drying process by removing moisture from the air. We especially recommend doing so if you’re in a humid environment, or if the carpet or rug has been damaged with a large amount of water.
  1. Then,  lift up the carpet or rug to allow air to circulate underneath it. This is important to do, as moisture can sit inside rug padding, which can evade surface level drying techniques. prop up the carpet with blocks or other objects, or use a professional carpet or Ruck dryer. make sure to remove and dry all damp sections of the carpet or  rug, including wet Underside padding.
  1.  Lastly, Consider sprinkling baking soda over affected areas of the carpenter rug, allowing it to sit for a small amount of time before vacuuming it up. Baking soda can rapidly absorb moisture as well as eliminating nasty odors in your carpet or rug.