Removing Spaghetti Sauce Stains from Carpets

Here’s a guide to the best ways to remove spaghetti sauce stains from carpets, as prepared by the carpet and rug cleaning in New Jersey team here at Carpetline.

Spaghetti Sauce Stains

Spaghetti sauce stains can be hard to remove from carpets due to the mixture of tomatoes, oil, and spices. Make sure not to rub the stain too vigorously or use hot water which can help permanently set the stain.

  1. Blot the stain quickly with a clean cloth or paper towel. Press the cloth or towel on the stained area, making sure not to rub the stain which can push it further into carpet fibers
  2. Pretreat a stain with a mixture of dish soap and warm water, and let the solution sit on the stain for a few minutes before moving forwards. You can also use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Sprinkle some baking soda onto the area and let it sit for a few minutes before blotting it. 
  3. Clean the stain according to carpet type. For white carpets, we recommend using a mild detergent solution. For other carpet types, we recommend using a professional carpet stain remover or a mix of warm water and dish soap. Apply the cleaning solution to the stain and rub it with a lean cloth or sponge. Don’t over saturate it with the cleaning solution,as it can cause the stain to spread. Use a spoon to scrape away any excess spaghetti sauce.
  4. Rinse the area to remove any cleaning solution. Use a clean sponge or cloth to rinse it, and then a separate clean towel to blot up any excess fluid. Let the area fully dry before replacing furniture or walking on it.
  5. You can prevent spaghetti from causing carpet stains by wearing a bib when eating spaghetti, using a spoon to twirl spaghetti, avoid slurping it, and using tablecloths or placemats to cover carpeted areas near where you’ll be eating.