Keeping Rugs in Good Condition

In this blog entry, the professional New Jersey carpet cleaning service and New Jersey stain removal service experts at Carpetline will detail the best ways to ensure that your rugs stay in good condition.

Regular Vacuuming

We recommend regularly vacuuming to keep your rug in good shape. Dirt and other material will rapidly build up in your rug, wearing down rug fibers or ruining rug backing. Remove these contaminants by regularly vacuuming – and vacuum more often the more foot traffic occurs on the rug.

Professional Rug Cleaning

The best way to keep rugs clean is to get them professionally cleaned. Vacuuming on its own won’t remove all the carpet build up. Only professional rug cleaners can clean inside the rug fibers to remove all stains.

Tackling Shedding

Rugs often experience shedding soon after their creation in which incompletely attached fibers will fall off, causing a mess. When you first get a rug, vacuum once or twice a week. If you notice any loops that are taller than other fibers, cut them to proper size. Never pull on fibers.

Pet Hair Removal

Pet hair easily gets trapped in rug fibers and is hard to remove with vacuuming. Use carpet brushes, rakes, or even a squeegee to remove pet hairs.

Spill Prevention

Avoid spills by keeping food and drink in the kitchen only, never doing crafts or messy activities near rugs, never painting nails near rugs, and always removing or covering rugs if there’s any painting going on in a room. If a spill does occur, treat it immediately with a damp cloth, and use a spoon to scrape up any solids or semi solids. Treat all spills ASAP>

Rug Rotation and Furniture Protection

Over time, the most walked-on areas of your rug, like spaces in front of furniture, will look more worn out than other areas. Rotate rugs so you’re walking on a different part every few months to make them wear out more evenly. Never place heavy furniture feet on rugs. Use protectors on furniture feet to avoid damage, and always wipe off the bottom of furniture before placing it on a rug to avoid the risk of staining.

Sunlight Protection

Place rugs in an area with minimal sun, or regularly close blinds when windows aren’t in use to avoid too much sun exposure. If you want tons of sunlight, consider purchasing a sun resistant or outdoor rug for extended UV durability.